Speech Language Therapy
As a certified speech-language pathologist, I provide 1:1 speech-language therapy for children and students who have a current speech and language evaluation that indicates significant delay(s) and meets the criteria for recommended therapy. If a child/student qualifies for speech-language therapy services through an evaluation their therapy may be paid through commercial insurance, Tefra, or Medicaid.
Delays speech-language therapy addresses:
receptive language - understanding information provided thorough sounds and words, movement and gestures, signs, symbols and pictures.
expressive speech - ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings through words, gestures, signs, and/or symbols.
articulation - the ability to form and pronounce clear and distinct sounds in speech (when this skill is delayed it can negatively impact reading and spelling).
listening comprehension - ability to understanding and comprehend spoken language.
reading comprehension - ability to process text, understand it's meaning, and integrate with what reader already knows.
spelling - the ability to write or name the letters of words correctly.
written expression - the ability to translate thoughts and ideas into written language.
Diagnosis that require therapy if delay(s) meets criteria:
Developmentally Delayed
Articulation Disorders
Expressive Speech Disorders
Receptive Language Disorders
Oral Motor and Feeding Delays
Specific Learning Disabilities: Reading (Dyslexia), Reading Comprehension, Written Expression, Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression, Auditory Processing, Language Processing.